Chocolate cake is a nice surprise, a broken toe is not.
My subconscious must have not been fulfilled with my sickness and decided to make sure I am limping around too. Last night while... putting on a pair of jeans... I tripped and stubbed my toe something fierce. It's all downhill from here I'm thinking. Sure. I've got a hell of a bruise but I'm feeling pretty good. I'll take one more day off from work to ice it and cough up the rest of my mucus collection in my lungs. So while I am on the phone with one of my co-workers letting them know I am not going to make it in the following day I decided (or... my subconscious did) to stub it again. So I'm taking it easy here and using otter pops as an icepack.
I'm off to the doctor again to make sure I don't need to get my pinky toe replaced. Btw I am stealing my title from our local Potato Engineer. She's usually up to no good using the system the way it was designed to be used, and other crazy things like thinking for herself, etc. Go say hi to her!
So, this morning, while drinking my cup of Joe and viewing the video Link posted I had a thought. All of this wonderful digging for another cause of 9/11 is hunky dory and all. Let's run with this for a sec...Someone(or two...) want to make sure a known/upcoming terrorist attack is felt as a crushing blow to the populous..
They also have other motives, possibly personal, or merely business related.
Oh, and they're(both of them) the fucking "commander in chief" of the "free world"... Yeah, I'm sure with 1+ million in funds(that some assholes are begging for...) which can be spent on supporting better efforts of reforming our government (how about voting for better candidates, sending your money to them, or something else.. fuck.. ANYTHING ELSE...).
I guess what I am saying is that we already have thousands dead between 9/11 and Iraq. War is never something that will make things right again. We need to remember to focus on what we can change, not what we can't change, it's just good business. In the next 10 years we need to start selling to the people who REALLY want to kill us now. :P.
your toe is icky
By Wendy Fox, at 8:49 AM
Yeah, well, your new picture is funny. :P
By Vincent, at 10:03 AM
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