We ARE all going to melt. Told joo so.
Okay, I'm sold. Maybe sometime next week.
Looks like the man is at it again trying to tell us that we're not allowed to like anything that we don't buy from them at full price. I still don't understand why the dough-heads at the RIAA, MPAA, BSA, etc. Think all this fuss is going to acclomplish other then ongoing revolt from their customers. If I was able to afford all the music I have downloaded, movies swiped on bit-torrent, and video games provided to me from friends, family, and the gawsh durn internet I'd need to be rolling bank account that would contend with Mr. Gates himself.
Okay, so that may have been a little blown out of proportion. My point is that from all the people I know that do use piracy as a tool to bring entertainment is because they cant afford to buy everything they want. And if it can be had for free then WHY NOT if they were not going to buy it in the first place. Let me watch that movie, enjoy that video game, rock out to that new star you're pushing. Maybe next time I'll throw my money your way because I believe in the quality of your products... I spend about 50% more money each year on music for example because I find so much stuff online that I download or listen to at soma.fm that I really enjoy.
So take your part and reach out to your congressman to oppose the SIRA bill.
I have a killer headache and I blame caffeine.
Some music to purchase at AllofMP3 this week:
The Invisible Cities
Mates of State
The Raconteurs
ELLIOT! (like this one)
Or -ANYTHING- found on our wonderful hometown Barsuk Records!
Er.. Time for pie and ice cream. Oh, and this depressing stuff too.