Sammy Davis, Junior, Junior.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We ARE all going to melt. Told joo so.

I'm still on the fence on seeing Al Gore's film/documentary "An Inconvenient Truth". Looks to be a depressing ride with our tour guide that used to be the next President of the United States. Wonder what that would of been like. Anyway, I just don't know if I want to deal with the doom and gloom we're all going to melt, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure it'll be easier to watch then Moore's usual stuff that I have never really connected with.

Okay, I'm sold. Maybe sometime next week.

Looks like the man is at it again trying to tell us that we're not allowed to like anything that we don't buy from them at full price. I still don't understand why the dough-heads at the RIAA, MPAA, BSA, etc. Think all this fuss is going to acclomplish other then ongoing revolt from their customers. If I was able to afford all the music I have downloaded, movies swiped on bit-torrent, and video games provided to me from friends, family, and the gawsh durn internet I'd need to be rolling bank account that would contend with Mr. Gates himself.

Okay, so that may have been a little blown out of proportion. My point is that from all the people I know that do use piracy as a tool to bring entertainment is because they cant afford to buy everything they want. And if it can be had for free then WHY NOT if they were not going to buy it in the first place. Let me watch that movie, enjoy that video game, rock out to that new star you're pushing. Maybe next time I'll throw my money your way because I believe in the quality of your products... I spend about 50% more money each year on music for example because I find so much stuff online that I download or listen to at that I really enjoy.

So take your part and reach out to your congressman to oppose the SIRA bill.

I have a killer headache and I blame caffeine.

Some music to purchase at AllofMP3 this week:

The Invisible Cities
Mates of State
The Raconteurs
ELLIOT! (like this one)

Or -ANYTHING- found on our wonderful hometown Barsuk Records!

Er.. Time for pie and ice cream. Oh, and this depressing stuff too.

Yes I like the spinach salad. Where else can you eat HARD BOILED EGGS and ONION in chorus?

It's already gone... The whole thing. Two hard boiled eggs, a healthy amount of spinach, red onion, some of those tomatoes... salt, pepper, dressing. All in my belly. It had some friends along for the ride as well! There was leftover bbq'd pork(YUM), mustard, two kinds, yes I am daring! Oh, and some bread. I have been told this is what you call a sandwich, but I don't know where the sand is. :(

I really do love spinach salads, but when I make them the only thing I am excited for is the eggs and onion. Alone they're no fun, but together, oh, let's take a moment to catch our breath. Bad breath that is. It's a fact the the eggs will be doing something else to make my breath seem like a minor hygiene flaw.

So I was reading that entry in Wikipedia and this fact shocked me:

Environmental impact
Livestock are a significant contributing factor to the greenhouse effect, accounting for around 20% of global methane emissions[2]. Less than 10% of the total greenhouse gas emissions from livestock is produced by animal flatulence; most is produced by animal burping. Livestock in New Zealand account for 60% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions[3]. Livestock in Australia contribute approximately 14% of that country's greenhouse gas emissions [4].

So once we all have solar powered cars made out of recycled beer bottles and paper plates we're still going to melt. If I didn't like to eat medium-rare steaks and cheeseburgers we could reduce a hell of a lot of those greenhouse gases.

Oh, and if you haven't already it's time to get on AllofMP3 and leach away. The record companies are turning up the heat and Russia wants to make our fat cats happy, rr they're taking payoffs from the bastards that charge us $20.00 for a new CD... It does not matter why, but when will this site close? If you're not familer with this I'll break down the site. You can find just about ANY song/album on there in digital format, you pay them for the amount of "data" transferred, not the song or album. So there is no royalty payment to the record industry. You can choose what bitrate you want and pay for the amount of data that will be downloaded. I'm a happy camper when a CD costs about $2.00.

Get it while the gettin' is good!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

When wool goes wrong...


I love catching up on old websites I forgot about. Much like finding that beer you forgot you loved so much... To my surprise I found a T-shirt on this site that I think quite a few people I know would go crazy over. I've never been much of a knitter but there have been times that I have felt surrounded by them, because, really, I was surrounded by them. It's nice having these sort of handy people around because you're usually going to be guaranteed some badass socks, hats, and scarves or even... creatures if you ask nicely.

If you're in the club then you should get the fricking T-Shirt right?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Chocolate cake is a nice surprise, a broken toe is not.

So it's been an interesting few days for yours truly... My weekend was full of sneezing, coughing, and other stuff related to your run of the mill sinus infection which I usually have 2-3 times a year. Though I have to say this one hasn't been fun at all. The nice doctor I visited a couple days ago turned me onto some pretty hardcore nasal spray which is working well.

My subconscious must have not been fulfilled with my sickness and decided to make sure I am limping around too. Last night while... putting on a pair of jeans... I tripped and stubbed my toe something fierce. It's all downhill from here I'm thinking. Sure. I've got a hell of a bruise but I'm feeling pretty good. I'll take one more day off from work to ice it and cough up the rest of my mucus collection in my lungs. So while I am on the phone with one of my co-workers letting them know I am not going to make it in the following day I decided (or... my subconscious did) to stub it again. So I'm taking it easy here and using otter pops as an icepack.

I'm off to the doctor again to make sure I don't need to get my pinky toe replaced. Btw I am stealing my title from our local Potato Engineer. She's usually up to no good using the system the way it was designed to be used, and other crazy things like thinking for herself, etc. Go say hi to her!

So, this morning, while drinking my cup of Joe and viewing the video Link posted I had a thought. All of this wonderful digging for another cause of 9/11 is hunky dory and all. Let's run with this for a sec...

Someone(or two...) want to make sure a known/upcoming terrorist attack is felt as a crushing blow to the populous..

They also have other motives, possibly
personal, or merely business related.

Oh, and they're(both of them) the fucking "commander in chief" of the "free world"... Yeah, I'm sure with 1+ million in funds(that some assholes are begging for...) which can be spent on supporting better efforts of reforming our government (how about voting for better candidates, sending your money to them, or something else.. fuck.. ANYTHING ELSE...).

I guess what I am saying is that we already have thousands dead between 9/11 and Iraq. War is never something that will make things right again. We need to remember to focus on what we can change, not what we can't change, it's just good business. In the next 10 years we need to start selling to the people who REALLY want to kill us now. :P.

Xbox 720 coming soon!

It's fairly wonderful when someone comments with more then "right on" or "you suck". Today I am going to respond to Link's thoughts on my last post on the front page. It’s no lie that I love the sound of my own voice(or... writing voice?) so we're going have this out right here.

The response to "Your Mom is magic.." found on the comments page:

Link said..."If you are looking for a social networking site that actually has a "goal" in mind... you might want to check out Linked In. Other than that, I don't think you are going to be able to fight the ease of use and silly nature that MySpace allows. Why exactly did you build a MySpace profile if you hate it that much? Second, taking it in the teeth would be something along the lines of large droves of people switching to MacOS or Linux... unfortunately, people are excited about the Mac because they WILL be able to run windows on it. If people were that into another operating system, they would have purchased a Mac long ago... The only people taking it in the teeth are the vendors building "Vista only" software who are ready to ship, and coincidentally losing tons of dollars because of M$FTs decision to hold off. Now put that in your cauldron and "magic" it..."

Just to clear up the MySpace thing real quick. I made a profile because I felt that I should at least give it a chance even if it has never really interested me. Usually when 50 million or so people can put up with something on the internet it can't be all that bad. Of course I know now that myspace is about as rewarding as a frontal lobotomy. Who knows what will be in store for, I mean, I fucking stole the name "wehaveyourbaby" from Without Influence, heh. Oh, most of the asshats on Linked In (like you) must be thinking "I have a MySpace site to be a Real Unique Person(TM) so now I need to have a Linked In account! Now I can make sure everyone knows my job title and company I work for, yay! This is productivity at it's finest." Whatever... waste of time...

It's not that I'm a hater of M$oft but they have done nothing special in the last five years(or 11 years, as XP is just Windows 95 SP15). They did get Xbox-95 out the door and also Xbox-98(err 360) which I will own once I have $400.00 burning a hole in my pocket. But the days of innovation in Redmond are numbered. Sure, We'll see new cool shit after delays, botched releases, etc(Tablet, and Tablet SP2 oragami...HAHAHA!). Will we ever see anything groundbreaking again(or on schedule)? Go take a look at
I, Cringely on PBS. Here is a quote from this story...

"If Microsoft really wanted to compete -- if they really wanted (or even knew how) to truly defend their turf, here is what they would do. They would throw away Vista and develop a new operating system, one that is simpler, lighter, and more secure -- an OS that would run on any machine now running Windows 2000 or XP. They would price it right, which is to say cheap ($49.95). The associated and trimmed-down version of Office would be priced the same ($49.95). The upgrade market is probably five times bigger than the OEM PC market, so Microsoft needs (but probably doesn't realize it) an OS that will run well on most of the PC installed base. It needs to set the pricing of the OS so that we'll run to the store to get it. Instead of designing products exclusively for new equipment, now it's time for Microsoft to focus on the installed base.

Remember, $49.95 is more than Microsoft gets for an OEM Windows license, and OEM sales will continue simply because computers die and need to be replaced. Microsoft COULD win both ways, but probably won't risk it."

He’s right on the money… All I am saying is that with all the "innovation" we're promised no real decent ideas make it from our champions of technology. It's not JUST M$oft, but they are a good(the best next to IBM?) example. It must be nice to have some money on the bank to shield you from poor planning, products, etc.

The reason why I said Apple was dropping the ball is that now we can use Windows on the Mac, now we can own a Mac and use our PC by soft booting into Windows. How long do you think it would take for us to just skip using out Windows apps? Not long I bet... How about Google being platform agnostic, soon all we will need is a web browser to do many thing (ajax anyone?)...